A sign that someone's not a baby anymore. You'd think they'd make a tool or something for this. "Sit there and blow on them, Mom says". Jeez.
Yeah, almost dry.
Dad says I'm maybe getting too girly. So he made me come out here and shovel snow. I'm hoping he let's me use the snowblower. Dad's back over there, Mom. He says he'll do the sidewalk, and I'm to do the driveway.
That up there I call the dothehookme bear. See how the grabmerings fit on it. You can change out all kinds of cool things with them.
Whoa, Iz, there's another baby looking at me. No, Abs, that's a mirror. Just because I'm teaching Abby all the secrets to things, doesn't mean I'm going to share with you all.
This chair could use a pillow or cushion. Now this one's more my style. Dad, you can go ahead in sit in mine.
Mommy said I had to post this picture on the blog, because Izzy's bath picture was. Daddy helped me out and blurred it up some.
Me and Iz are helping Dad cook breakfast.
Hey Abby, I's got a good joke for you. There was this....
Yeah, uh huh, ok. Ah Iz, you're so crazy. I don't care who you are, that right there is funny.
I do all the work around here, so it only makes sense that I wear Daddy's gloves.
Gonna steal me a little of Dad's "pick-me-up" Mmmm, seems to taste a little Irish.
Later dudes. You can't tell, but behind my cool shades, I'm sleeping right now.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Hi Everybody. It's been a long time since we've updated the blog. I've been teaching Abby about computers, and she's going to do this update.
Thanks, Iz. Bear with me everyone, 'cause I'm not a very good typer yet.
Today is Abigail's first day of school. Isabelle is sharing all "the tricks" she knows. Dad, you're not supposed to hear this. Don't worry, Abby, I'll tell you in the car when Daddy's got the radio turned up and singing, so he won't hear.
Now where can I hide this so Daddy won't find it so he'll have to play with me. I got it. Telemarketer. Wanted to know what interest rate I have on my mortgage?
Iz, horsing around. Haha, I got Daddy's chair. No we're not getting up, Dad. We were here first.
Getting my daily excercises in. Now to do some push-ups. Pretty soon I'll be as strong as Dad.