Monday, February 13, 2006

Me with the folks. I'm gettin' them trained in pretty good. Posted by Picasa

Mom and Grandma and me wanted to go shopping today, but Dad had the stroller in his truck at work. So we flew over here to get it and visit. Dad's tried to blur Mom out of this picture 'cause she doesn't like the way she looked. Posted by Picasa

Mom, sit me down over here and help me with that headset. Posted by Picasa

Dad says you gots to be serious when at work. Yeah, right, what's with all the ping pong paddles, hmm? Posted by Picasa

Dad says I could sit here like this all day and be as helpful as the guy who normally sits here. Guess Dad isn't worried about the child labor laws, eh? Posted by Picasa

OK, we're gone. Posted by Picasa